<book> is the container for all information about a single book volume and (optionally) the book chapters. Books may be deposited as a single book, a series, or a set, and the metadata requirements differ for each type. Please review our best practices for books before registering book content.
Books are divided into three categories, each requiring slightly different metadata:
- Book: A ‘book’ is single book (edited_book, monograph, reference, or other) that is not part of a series or a set. The title-level metadata for the book is captured in <book_metadata>.
- Book Series: Books that are part of an ongoing series and have an ISSN assigned should be deposited as a book series. Book metadata is captured in <book_series_metadata>, with series-specific details such as ISSN and series title captured in <series_metadata>.A series-level and volume-level title must be supplied for each book submitted as part of a series. A series-level ISBN and/or DOI may optionally be assigned.
- Book Set: Books that are in a finite series must be deposited as a Book Set. A book set has a set-level title but does not require an ISSN. An ISBN and/or DOI may optionally be assigned at the set level.
Persistent identifiers are always assigned at the book title level and frequently at the chapter level. DOIs are typically assigned to chapters that are cited as chapters.
Parts of a book deposit
Book titles: Books with subtitles should use the <title> and <subtitle> tags to capture the appropriate segment of the title.
Book title DOIs: A DOI is required for each book that you submit. It is not possible to submit DOI information for individual chapters without assigning a DOI to the entire work.
ISBNs: ISBNs should be supplied when available. Both a print and electronic ISSN may be supplied for a book. If a book does not have an ISBN, the <noisbn> element is required.
Contributors: If a book as a whole has a single set of authors, the author(s) should be included in the <contributors> section for the book itself. Editors may also be deposited. If each chapter has distinct authors and/or editors, the authors should also be included at the chapter (<content_item>) level.
Editions: <edition_number>, when given, should include only a number and not additional text such as "edition". For example, you should submit "3", not "third edition".
Citations: <citation_list> should only be used in <book_metadata> instead of <content_item> when the reference list is a separate section of the book and chapters are not included in the deposit.
Book language: The language of the book should be specified in the book_metadata language attribute using the iso639 language code. If a book contains items in multiple languages this attribute should be set for the predominant language of the book. Individual items may have their language specified in content_item. If all content items are the same language, it is only necessary to specify the language at the book level.
Book chapters: Book chapters are captured in the container element <content_item>. Book chapter DOIs are optional but strongly recommended if the book content will be commonly cited at the chapter level.
Metadata supplied in the top-level book section (<book_metadata>, <book_set_metadata>, or <book_series_metadata>) will be applied to the chapters as well unless distinct information is supplied for a chapter. This includes contributors, citation lists, and publication dates.
A book deposit containing a single book with chapters: review the sample below or download an XML file.
<doi_batch xmlns="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.7" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="4.3.7" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.7 http://www.crossref.org/schemas/crossref4.3.7.xsd">
<depositor_name>Sample Master</depositor_name>
<book book_type="edited_book">
<book_metadata language="en">
<title>Use of Recycled Materials</title>
<isbn media_type="electronic">2912143691</isbn>
<publisher_name>RILEM Publications SARL</publisher_name>
<content_item component_type="chapter" publication_type="full_text">
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<content_item component_type="chapter" publication_type="full_text">
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<surname>De Bock</surname>
<title>Recycled asphalt pavement</title>
A book series deposit: review the sample below or download an XML file.
<doi_batch xmlns="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.7" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="4.3.7" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.7 http://www.crossref.org/schemas/crossref4.3.7.xsd">
<depositor_name>test data</depositor_name>
<registrant>test data</registrant>
<book book_type="edited_book">
<book_series_metadata language="en">
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="editor">
<publication_date media_type="print">
<publisher_name>Royal Society of Chemistry</publisher_name>
<content_item component_type="other" publication_type="full_text">
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="editor">
<title>Front cover</title>
A book set deposit: review the sample below or download an XML file.
<doi_batch xmlns="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.7" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="4.3.7" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.7 http://www.crossref.org/schemas/crossref4.3.7.xsd">
<depositor_name>Sample Master</depositor_name>
<registrant>Sample Data</registrant>
<book book_type="edited_book">
<book_set_metadata language="en">
<title>Sample Set Title</title>
<isbn media_type="print">0 571 08989 5</isbn>
<title>Sample Volume Title</title>
<publication_date media_type="print">
<isbn media_type="print">0064410145</isbn>
<publisher_name>Sample Publisher</publisher_name>
<content_item component_type="chapter" level_sequence_number="1" publication_type="full_text" language="en">
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<title>Sample Chapter Title</title>
<publication_date media_type="print">
<item_number item_number_type="sequence-number">S0091679X0861064X</item_number>
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A sample book deposit containing a single monograph (no chapters) would be very useful for us. Thanks!
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