The primary depositor must enable (or 'unlock') each multiple resolution DOI before secondary URLs can be deposited. This can be done using either a metadata deposit or a resource deposit. It is expected that once a content owner gives permission for multiple resolution to be attached to DOIs of a given title, or to all their content, that the content owner will routinely enable multiple resolution when creating/updating their DOIs.
Unlocking a DOI does not change the linking behavior of a DOI - an unlocked DOI will continue to resolve to the URL supplied during registration until a secondary URL has been registered.
Unlock DOIs using the main deposit schema
This mode should be used for all new DOIs created after the content owner has recognized that secondary deposits will be taking place. It allows the primary content owner to enable the DOI MR permission at the same time the DOI is initially created.
The XML used by the content owner to create (or update) the DOI must include an a <collection> element with the multi-resolution attribute set to 'unlock'.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doi_batch version="4.3.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<registrant>Crossref Test</registrant>
<journal_metadata language="en">
<full_title>Sample Journal</full_title>
<issn media_type="print">55555555</issn>
<publication_date media_type="print">
<journal_article publication_type="full_text">
<title>Sample Article</title>
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<publication_date media_type="print">
<collection property="list-based" multi-resolution="unlock" />
Unlock DOIs using the DOI resources schema
This approach can be used for all pre-existing DOIs or can be used for new DOIs if the content owner does not wish to include this metadata in their main DOI deposit. Resource-only deposits should be uploaded as 'DOI Resources' when using the system interface or 'operation=doDOICitUpload' when doing a programmed HTTP transaction.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doi_batch version="4.3.0" xmlns="">
<collection property="list-based" multi-resolution="unlock" />
<collection property="list-based" multi-resolution="unlock" />
<collection property="list-based" multi-resolution="unlock" />
The link above for "the system interface" does not redirect to the right location. Perhaps it's supposed to go to .
Thanks for pointing that out, the links have been updated.
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