All content registered with Crossref includes metadata, which includes:
- Bibliographic metadata (such as author, article titles, journal names)
- Funding metadata
- License metadata
- Relationships between DOIs
- Update or retraction information (via CrossMark)
- JATS-formatted abstracts
Crossref content types
Crossref collects metadata for many items relevant to scholarly communication. Our defined content types are:
- Journals: includes records for journal articles, as well as supplemental materials
- Books: book-level and/or chapter-level records, books can be deposited as a monograph, series, or set.
- Conference Proceedings: information about a single conference and records for each conference paper/proceeding
- Datasets
- Dissertations
- Peer Reviews
- Posted content: consists of preprints, eprints, working papers, reports, dissertations, and many other types of content that has been posted but not formally published.
- Reports / working papers
- Standards
- Components: typically assigned to parts of a whole, most commonly including figures, tables, and supplemental materials for a journal article.
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