Crossref members can retrieve metadata records of publications that cite their content. Our cited-by service enables our members to display cited-by links in the primary content that they publish.
Cited-by linking process:
- Publisher A registers DOI 10.1234/X for article X with the following metadata:
Journal= "Good Science", author="John Smith", volume="21", first page="100" year="2007"
- Publisher B deposits metadata for article Y and assigns it DOI 10.5678/Y. The deposited references for article Y include the following:
<citation key="reference to article X">
<journal_title>Good Science</journal_title>
- The Crossref system establishes a cited-by relationship between article X and Y
- Publisher A later sends a query asking who 'cites' article X and is given the DOI for article Y and its metadata.
Currently only the publisher who owns an item may ask for the cited-by data. So in the above example publisher C could not inquire about the cited-by relationship of article X or Y. Obviously the order of events may differ than this simple example shows, for example step #2 could occur before step #1. The Crossref system is setup to handle this by 'remembering' the citation in article Y and will establish the relationship whenever article X is ultimately deposited.
Steps for cited-by linking participation:
- Deposit references: References can be submitted as part of a metadata deposit or as a reference-only deposit. See adding references to your metadata record for details.
- Query for cited-by links:cited-by matches can be retrieved via XML and HTTP querying. See retrieving cited-by matches for details.
- Once retrieved, cited-by links should be included on DOI landing pages.
Response page (from
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