Full text URLs may be added to an existing DOI by uploading a .csv file.
DOIs and URLs to be used for Similarity Check indexing must be submitted in .csv format. Your file may be up to 45 MB in size. Note that we will split the file into batches of 5,000 DOIs each for processing, and we'll send you 2 emails for each batch (a submission log and a copy of the submitted XML), so uploading a single file may result in hundreds of emails.
The file should contain two columns with the headings DOI and <item crawler="iParadigms"> where DOI is the DOI being updated and <item crawler="iParadigms"> is the URL being submitted for Similarity Check indexing.
DOI,<item crawler="iParadigms"> 10.5555/test1,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf1 10.5555/test2,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf2 10.5555/test3,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf3 10.5555/test4,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf4 10.5555/test5,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf5 10.5555/test6,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf6 10.5555/test7,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf7 10.5555/test8,http://www.yoururl.com/pdf8
A sample file is available for download below. You can open it in Excel or any other spreadsheet software and replace the example DOIs "10.5555/test1" and URLs (http://www.crossref.org/test1) with your DOIs and URLs.
Be sure to save the file as a .csv and please do not convert it to .xlsx (or any other file type) before uploading. Some spreadsheet programs add additional quotation marks to the column headers. If your upload is not successful, please open your file in a text editor and make sure the top line of the file is:
DOI,<item crawler="iParadigms">
and edit if necessary.
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