Sample XML queries using our query input schema:
- Journal article query (strict)
- Journal article query (less strict)
- Unstructured citation
- Book chapter query
- Book title query
- Book title query (no author)
- DOI-to-metadata query
- Controlling query results
- Searching all authors
- DOI-to-metadata query
A strict journal article query
This query is fairly strict - it is requesting a single match for the given metadata. The ISSN is provided but does not need to be used for matching (match="optional"). The journal title needs to match exactly (match="exact"), no fuzzy matching will be applied. Fuzzy matching is applied to the author (match="fuzzy") but only the first author will be matched.
<query key="1178517" enable-multiple-hits="false">
<issn match="optional">15360075<issn>
<journal_title match="exact">American Journal of Bioethics</journal_title>
<author match="fuzzy" search-all-authors="false">Agich</author>
<volume match="fuzzy">1</volume>
<article_title>The Salience of Narrative for Bioethics</article_title>
A less strict journal article query
The query below will return multiple matches (enable-multiple-hits="true") and fuzzy match the author against all deposited authors, and will do an author/article title query if the full metadata query does not produce a match.
<query key="1178517" enable-multiple-hits="true" secondary-query="author-title">
<journal_title match="fuzzy">American Journal of Bioethics</journal_title>
<author match="fuzzy" search-all-authors="true">Agich</author>
<volume match="fuzzy">1</volume>
<article_title>The Salience of Narrative for Bioethics</article_title>
An unstructured citation
<query key="q1" enable-multiple-hits="true">
<unstructured_citation>Hungate, B. A., & Hampton, H. M. (2012). Ecosystem services: Valuing ecosystems for climate. Nature Climate Change, 2(3), 151-152.
Book chapter query
<query key="MyKey1" enable-multiple-hits="false">
<volume_title>Adipose Tissue Protocol</volume_title>
<query key="MyKey1" enable-multiple-hits="false">
<article_title>Choosing an Adipose Tissue Depot for Sampling </article_title>
Book title query
<query key="MyKey1" enable-multiple-hits="false">
<author> Ailhaud</author>
<volume_title>Adipose Tissue Protocol</volume_title>
Book title query without an author
<query key="555-555" >
<volume_title>Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations</volume_title>
<author match="null"/>
Controlling query result XML
Crossref query results can be retrieved in several formats. By default the XSD_XML format will only contain basic bibliographic metadata. Setting expanded-results to TRUE will also return the article title.
This example shows use of expanded-results="true" along with enable-multiple-hits="true":
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query_batch version="2.0" xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi="">
<doi_batch_id>Sample multi resolve</doi_batch_id>
<query key="mutliResolve1" enable-multiple-hits="true" expanded-results="true">
Results:<crossref_result version="2.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<doi_batch_id>Sample multi resolve</doi_batch_id>
<query key="mutliResolve1" status="multiresolved" fl_count="0">
<doi type="journal_article">10.1016/S0360-3016(02)03429-6</doi>
<issn type="print">03603016</issn>
<journal_title> International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics</journal_title>
<article_title> Potential radiation sensitizing effect of SU5416 by down-regulating the COX-2 expression in human lung cancer cells </article_title>
<query key="mutliResolve1" status="multiresolved" fl_count="0">
<doi type="journal_article">10.1016/S0360-3016(02)03428-4</doi>
<issn type="print">03603016</issn>
<journal_title> International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics </journal_title>
<article_title> Effect of the administration of lovastatin on the development of pulmonary fibrosis following whole lung irradiation in a mouse model </article_title>
The system will return no DOIs if an ambiguity exists. Setting enable-multiple-hits to "true" instructs the system to return the list of DOIs.
Searching all authors
Normally the author name supplied in a query must be that of the article's 'first' author. First author is an optional designation made by the publisher when depositing a DOI's metadata. Articles deposited without a 'first' author designation handicap queries that depend on author (e.g. do not supply a page number) In an XML query there is a property called search-all-authors which forces the process to examine all authors associated with the article.
This example shows a query that would not return any results if this feature were not used:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query_batch version="2.0" xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi="">
<doi_batch_id>Sample multi resolve</doi_batch_id>
<query key="mutliResolve1" enable-multiple-hits="false">
<journal_title>Advances in Applied Probability</journal_title>
<author search-all-authors="true">Weil</author>
DOI-to-metadata query
Retrieves metadata for a DOI
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query_batch version="2.0" xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi="">
<doi_batch_id>Sample multi resolve</doi_batch_id>
<query key="mykey" expanded-results="true">
<crossref_result version="2.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<doi_batch_id>Sample multi resolve</doi_batch_id>
<query key="mykey" status="resolved" fl_count="1">
<doi type="journal_article">10.1006/jmbi.2000.4282</doi>
<issn type="print">00222836</issn>
<issn type="electronic">10898638</issn>
<journal_title>Journal of Molecular Biology</journal_title>
<contributor first-author="true">
<article_title> Specific interaction between anticodon nuclease and the tRNALys wobble base </article_title>
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