Crossref supports additional schema (not listed here) for legacy purposes.
Deposit schema
Used for depositing (and updating) metadata and DOIs
schema | purpose | status | add'l info |
crossref4.4.2.xsd | full metadata deposits | recommended | documentation |
crossref4.4.1.xsd | full metadata deposits | available | documentation |
crossref4.4.0.xsd | full metadata deposits | available | documentation |
crossref4.3.7.xsd | full metadata deposits | available | documentation |
common4.3.7.xsd | contains common elements used by other schema | imported | |
crossref4.3.6.xsd | full metadata deposits | available | documentation |
fundref.xsd | funding data | imported | |
AccessIndicators.xsd | license data | imported | |
relations.xsd | relationships between DOIs and other identifiers | imported | |
clinicaltrials.xsd | relationships between publications that report on a clinical trial | imported | |
doi_resources4.4.2.xsd | used to append or update specific sets of metadata to an existing record | recommended | documentation |
doi_resources4.3.6.xsd | used to append or update specific sets of metadata to an existing record | available | documentation |
common4.3.7.xsd | contains common elements used by other schema | imported | documentation |
Query schema
schema | purpose | add'l info |
crossref_query_input2.0.xsd | Used to input XML queries to the system | documentation |
Metadata output schema
Used for outputing Crossref metadata
schema | purpose | add'l info |
crossref_query_output2.0.xsd | returns query results in xsd_xml format, used for cited-by results | documentation |
crossref_query_output3.0.xsd | returns query results in UNIXSD format | documentation |
unixref1.1.xsd | returns query results in the UNIXML format, also used to support the data delivered by our OAI-PMH service. | documentation |
unixref1.0.xsd | returns query results in the UNIXML format for some older content, also used to support the data delivered by our OAI-PMH service. | documentation |
crossref_output3.0.1.xsd | used to support data files generated for bulk data distribution | documentation | | accommodates differences between Crossref's OAI-PMH implementation and the published open-archives OAI 2.0 schema | documentation |
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