Members may include access indicators (most commonly text and data mining license information) in deposits. An additional element (<ai:program>) has been added beginning with schema version 4.3.2to support the Access Indicators schema (AccessIndicators.xsd).
License information metadata collected includes:
- 'free to read' status (free_to_read)
- license URL element (license_ref)
- start_date attribute, optional, date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
- applies_to attribute, optional, allowed values are:
- vor (version of record)
- am (accepted manuscript)
- tdm (text mining)
Access Indicators may be included in a metadata deposit, submitted as a resource deposit, or uploaded as a .csv file, and may be included with CrossMark metadata where applicable. The 'ai' namespace must be included in the schema declaration, for example:
<doi_batch version="4.3.6" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:ai="">
As part of a metadata deposit:
<publication_date media_type="print">
<ai:program name="AccessIndicators">
<ai:free_to_read start_date="2011-02-11"/>
<ai:license_ref applies_to="vor" start_date="2011-02-11"></ai:license_ref>
As part of a resource deposit:
<!-- license updates with dates / free to read info included-->
<ai:program name="AccessIndicators">
<ai:license_ref applies_to="vor" start_date="2011-01-11"></ai:license_ref>
<ai:license_ref applies_to="am" start_date="2012-01-11"></ai:license_ref>
<ai:license_ref applies_to="tdm" start_date="2012-01-11"></ai:license_ref>
<!-- license updates with just license URL included-->
<ai:program name="AccessIndicators">
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