We provide a very basic form for registering your content. The form requires no knowledge of XML and is suitable for a small number of deposits. You can use this form to register journal, book, conference proceedings, report, and dissertation content. You may also upload NLM or JATS-formatted XML to this form.
To use the web deposit form:
- Navigate to the web deposit form.
- Select the type of content you want to deposit: Journal, Book, Conference Proceedings, Report, Dissertation or NLM File
- Enter the appropriate information for the type of content you selected. Be sure to enter all available metadata for each item you register.
- Journals: register a journal-level DOI only or DOIs for each article within a given issue. Only one issue can be deposited at a time.
- Books: register both book- and chapter-level information. Select 'Submit Book DOI' to deposit a title-level DOI, or select 'Add Chapters' to enter metadata for chapters attached to the book being deposited. For series and sets, only one volume can be deposited at a time.
- For conference proceedings, enter event and conference paper information. Select 'Add Papers' to enter metadata for conference papers.
- For reports:Select 'Submit Report DOI' to deposit a single report DOI, or select 'Add Content Item' if the report contains multiple chapters or papers.
- For Dissertations: Add your information into the fields and hit 'Submit dissertation'.
- NLM/JATS upload: To upload an XML file built according to the NLM or JATS DTD (publishing tag set) select NLM file, use the Browse function to locate NLM XML file and enter login, contact, and DOI information. Click Upload NLM Data to submit.
- If your XML contains <article-id pub-id-type="doi"> you do not need to enter a DOI in the form.
- If the XML contains <self-uri> and that URI contains the URL you intend to register with your DOI, you do not need to enter a URL.
- Supplementary metadata upload: funding and license metadata may be uploaded in .csv format.
- Enter your username, password, and email address and select Deposit.
When you've completed step 4, your submission is added to our submission queue. When we have processed your file we'll send you a log via email. You must review this log to make sure your content was registered successfully.
We also send you a copy of the XML that has been generated by the web deposit form. This XML is just for your records, you don't need to do anything with it. If changes or corrections need to be made to your metadata record, you can edit and submit the XML instead of re-entering your metadata into the form. If you do edit the XML, be sure to increment the value in the <timestamp> field to ensure a successful update.
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