The Status report displays information about monthly activity in the Crossref system. At the top of the report, summary statistics are provided for:
- Total number of records in the Crossref system
- Total number of DOIs registered
- Total number of journals, books, and conference proceedings stored in the database
- Total number of journal, book, and conference DOIs registered in the system.
In addition, the Status report displays the following information for deposits:
- Month – Year or month in the current year for which data is provided.
- Total Records Added – Total number of records added to the MDDB.XML database during that year or month.
- Total Current Deposits – Total number of deposits submitted to the database during that year or month for content item's published during that previous year or the current year.
- Total BackFile Deposits – Total number of deposits submitted to the database during that year or month for content item's published during a previous year.
- Total Records Updated – Total number of records updated in the database during that year or month.
The Status report also displays the following information for queries:
- Month – Year or month in the current year for which data is provided.
- Total Metadata Queries – Total number of metadata queries submitted to the Crossref system during that year or month.
- Total Matches – Total number of metadata queries resolved by the Crossref system during that year or month.
- % – Percentage of metadata queries resolved compared with the total number of metadata queries submitted during that year or month.
- % by Group (Lib, Pub, Aflt) – Percentage of queries submitted by each type of Crossref user compared with the total number of metadata queries submitted during that year or month.
- Total DOI Queries – Total number of DOI queries submitted to the Crossref system during that year or month.
- Total Matches – Total number of DOI queries resolved by the Crossref system during that year or month.
- % – Percentage of DOI queries resolved compared with the total number of metadata queries submitted during that year or month.
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