The DOI Error report collects unresolving DOI errors reported by end users. When a user attempts to resolve a DOI that has not been deposited, they are delivered to a web form which allows the user to submit information about the DOI they are trying to resolve:
If someone submits a report for a DOI with your prefix, we'll email you a report containing the details provided by the user. By default the reports are sent out nightly to the technical contact provided for your organization, but we can always send the report to other/additional addresses. The reported errors are captured in a .csv file and contain the following (when provided):
DOI: the DOI being reported
URL: the referring URL (if supplied)
REPORTED-DATE: date the DOI was initially reported
USER-EMAIL: email of the reporter (if supplied)
COMMENTS: comments are optional
Any legitimate DOIs found in this report should be deposited immediately. When a DOI is deposited, any users who reported the DOI as undeposited and supplied an email address will be notified via automated email that the DOI is now resolving.
DOI errors are reported for a number of reasons:
- a DOI has been published but not deposited
- the published DOI does not match the deposited DOI
- a DOI has been deposited but does not resolve to the correct item
- the end user misinterpreted or mistyped a DOI (i.e. confusing 1 for l or 0 for O)
We find that approximately 2/3 of reported errors are 'real' problems (either an undeposited DOI or a bad DOI link) but there is a possibility that the errors reported are user error.
We retain reported errors and can send you a report of all DOI errors submitted by prefix if needed.
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