Our OpenURL service is used primarily by library link resolvers but can also be used to look up metadata records.
OpenURL accounts
The OpenURL interface is a free service but does require either a member or free query service account so that we may monitor and control usage. Login credentials are provided in the pid parameter of the OpenURL request.
Member accounts:
https://doi.crossref.org/openurl?pid=username:password&aulast=Maas%20LRM&title= JOURNAL%20OF%20PHYSICAL%20OCEANOGRAPHY&volume=32&issue=3&spage=870&date=2002
Query service account:
https://doi.crossref.org/openurl?pid=name@someplace.com&aulast=Maas%20LRM&title= JOURNAL%20OF%20PHYSICAL%20OCEANOGRAPHY&volume=32&issue=3&spage=870&date=2002
OpenURL metadata queries
The OpenURL query interface uses metadata to identify a matching DOI, and redirects the user to the target of the DOI. For example, this query contains an author name, a journal title, volume, issue, first page, and publication year:
https://doi.crossref.org/openurl?pid=username:password&aulast=Maas%20LRM&title= JOURNAL%20OF%20PHYSICAL%20OCEANOGRAPHY&volume=32&issue=3&spage=870&date=2002
The OpenURL Query Interface matches the query with a metadata record and redirect the user to the persistent identifier response page at https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0870:CT>2.0.CO;2.
The OpenURL Query Interface can accept these parameters:
Citation metadata parameters:
- issn
- title (journal title)
- aulast (last name, preferably of first author)
- volume
- issue
- spage (first page)
- date (publication year YYYY)
- stitle (short title, which may be supplied as an alternative to title)
Other parameters:
- pid (your Crossref-supplied login name and password)
- redirect (set to "false" to return the DOI in XML format instead of redirecting to the target URL. The default is true)
- multihit (set to "true" to return DOIs for more than one content item if the Crossref system does not find an exact match. The default is false)
- format (set to "unixref" to return metadata in UNIXREF format)
OpenURL results
By default, an OpenURL match will direct the user to the response page registered for the matched metadata record.
In most instances, only a single identifier will be returned. If more than one identifier is returned, the user will be directed to a list of all available DOIs. For example, the query:
will return multiple results.
Retrieving metadata
OpenURL may be used to retrieve metadata records by setting the redirect parameter to "false". By default an OpenURL response uses the XSD XML format. The UNIXREF format may be requested by setting the format parameter to "unixref"
Sample queries
Metadata queries
This query will return an XSD-formatted XML metadata record:
There are multiple matches for this query, when multihit="true" the metadata record is returned for all results:
Setting multihit="exact" will return no matches:
DOI queries
Crossref supports DOI queries formatted as OpenURL version 0.1 requests:
Open URL query:
Crossref query:
Like metadata queries, DOI query results are returned in XML format.
NISO 0.1 or 1.0 URLs:
Crossref also supports NISO 0.1 and 1.0 URLs as well as some common deviations. In general it supports the San Antonio Profile #1, including in-line, by-value, and by-reference. In the presence of a “url_ver= Z39.88-2004” parameter this service will operate on a “info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx” context format with referent formats “info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal” or “info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book”.
Simple reverse lookup:
Retrieve a DOI's metadata:
A journal article lookup:
https://doi.crossref.org/openurl?pid=username:password&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.atitle=Isolation of a common receptor for coxsackie B&rft.jtitle=Science&rft.aulast=Bergelson&rft.auinit=J&rft.date=1997&rft.volume=275&rft.spage=1320&rft.epage=1323
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