In order to prevent duplicate records, and to ensure that DOIs are being assigned by the appropriate publisher, our deposit system includes certain checks on ISSNs and ISBNs. When you submit the very first deposit containing metadata for a given title, a title record is created in our system. This record includes the title, ISSNs or ISBNs, (optional) title-level DOI, content type, and the publisher. In all subsequent deposits, the title, ISSNs or ISBNs, and (if included) title-level DOI must match this record exactly.
You might encounter the following errors, which indicate issues with the ISSN, ISBN, or title record.
Title Record Discrepancy Error
ISSN "{ISSN}" has already been assigned to a different title/publisher/genre
This error indicates the ISSN(s), title, or publisher in your deposit do not match the data we have on record for that ISSN.
To verify the data in the title record with a given ISSN, please search for that ISSN on the Crossref Title List. If there are any discrepancies between the title, ISSN(s), publisher or content type that need to be updated, please contact and include the submission ID for your deposit.
Title Ownership Error
ISSN "{ISSN}" has already been assigned to a different publisher {publisher name}({publisher prefix})
ISBN "{ISBN}" has already been assigned to a different publisher {publisher name}({publisher prefix})
This error indicates that the title you are depositing is owned by another publisher/prefix. If you are the correct publisher for the title being deposited, please follow the procedures indicated in Transferring titles and identifiers to a new owner to have the title record transfered to your publisher/prefix.
Invalid ISSN or ISBN Error
ISSN "{ISSN}" is invalid
ISSN "{ISSN}" is invalid
This error indicates that the ISSN or ISBN in your deposit is incorrect. All valid ISSNs and ISBNs use a check digit which is algorithmically validated by our deposit system. If your deposit fails with this error, please verify the ISSN or ISBN and resubmit the deposit with the correct number.
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